Borang 2 Chambering

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Borang 2 chambering. Click here for a sample. Kita isi borang 1 dulu. It is a bit tricky as the mahkamah tinggi rayuan kuasa kuasa khas are very particular on how you fill in this forms. You must be logged in to post a review.
Both borang 1 and 2 will have to enclose together 1 nric 2 clp cert 3 llb cert 4 birth cert 5 master profile. Proceed to aras b1 bookstore photocopy kakak is an expert in preparing chambering s document 4 copies of the 7 page document 32 copies of borang 2 16 sets which consist 2 copies each. Filling in borang 1 dan 2 salam and hye. However i only file my borang 1 and 2 a week later fyi you can file the two forms immediately after you got a place in the firm i set my journey early on the 16th april to high court of malaya in jalan duta.
A s a result you will be told to wait for around 1 week to 1 month or more depending on the situation which is ultimately cause your filing of long call papers and your long call to be delayed. Errors in borang 1 and 2 can only be corrected by making an application to the court by way of notice of application and supported by an affidavit. If you are anything like me you surely akan selongkar any entry yang ada menceritakan tentang proses pemfailan borang 1 dan borang 2. Strata management case update free.
If you serve your borang 2 too late the penghantar notis of the court would not have enough time to serve your borang 2 on time and provide you the aos. Rectification of errors in borang 1 and 2. This is a guide on how to e file your chambering petition borang 1 2 and borang 3 4 5 for all states in malaysia except sabah sarawak. Ldwsusnya tetapi tidak tern ad kepada se uatu kesalahan berkenaan dengan trod atau kecurangan.
So sekarang i will teach you on how to fill in your borang 1 and 2. On the 9th april i got a place in a firm as a pupil or most people called it chambering student or chambie for short. If you are looking for the complete guide in filing your borang 6 7 8 long call procedure or transffering your long call to other states. Be the first to review borang chambering 1 8 cancel reply.
Pemfailan borang 1 dan borang 2 chambering my experience i feel obliged to post this entry untuk tatapan adik adik yang nak buat chambering di masa masa kelak. Borang 2 is your first affidavit declaring the content of borang 1. Chambering filing process tuesday 13 march 2012. Borang 3 4 and 5 are to be filed after borang 1 and 2 have been served on the three bodies.
Pem etisyen acwah berkelakuan baik clan a tidak pemah disabitkan di malaysia atau d mana mana tempat lain atas apa apa kesalahan jenayah yang menjadikannya tidak layak monjadi ahli profesion undang 111dang. Borang 1 petisyen dan afidavit borang 2 notis borang 3 saman dalam kamar borang 4 afidavit pemohon borang 5.