Download Borang 3 4 5 Chambering

The ag s chambers the bar council and kl bar.
Download borang 3 4 5 chambering. Pengusulan iaps 4 0 diusulkan oleh unit pengelola program studi upps bukan oleh program studi. In borang 1 2 the correct section to be cited are s 10 s 15 while in borang 3 4 5 the correct section to be cited are s 36 2 a b. Borang 1 petisyen dan afidavit borang 2 notis borang 3 saman dalam kamar borang 4 afidavit pemohon borang 5 afidavit pemohon borang 6 afidavit pempetisyen borang 7 sijil kelakuan baik borang 8 sijil kerajinan attributes. Afterwards you may serve borang 3 4 and 5 to the holy trinity again.
12 9 2013 12 43 07 pm. No other extra document s needed prepare 2 copies for borang 4 get your master to sign both leaving one copy blank in case there s mistake no liquid paper explain to him her why. Now please note that as i mentioned in part 1 you can actually proceed to file your borang 3 4 5 then serve all 5 borangs to these institution at one go. Bring extra copies print service bureau form.
Affidavit of service for borang 3 4 5 date. Similarly like it was for borang 1 and 2 you have to physically serve the forms to ag s chambers and the bar council i received help from the firm s despatch and you have to serve the forms to kl bar through email. Sesuai dengan statuta dan sotk otk pt. Borang chambering free download as word doc doc pdf file pdf text file txt or read online for free.
Borang 3 4 and 5 are to be filed after borang 1 and 2 have been served on the three bodies. Buzzhandmalaysia 嗡嗡手 0 comments dear all please refer to bar council for the latest filing methods. May 16 2016 author. That will save you a trip.
Unit pengelola program studi. Borang 3 4 5 don t fill up in case you re not sure. Rectification of errors in borang 1 and 2. The sections cited are also different.
Free download table of contents. Head over to kompleks mahkamah kuala lumpur jalan duta. Date of filing of borang 1 and borang 2 created date. In borang 3 4 5 your master is the applicant pemohon as opposed to borang 1 2 which you are the petitioner pempetisyen.